Monday, September 22, 2008

Reasons: Data Entry

Friends of the Kennedy Center have many different roles (data entry, working in the store, giving tours, etc...). Occasionally I'll document the reasons why I'd be suitable for a particular role.

Reasons I would make a good data entry volunteer:

  • With one click in Microsoft Outlook, I can cancel Millennium Stage performances on Easter and Christmas. That would make everyone forced to work on those days happy. We Jews are the only ones who show up anyway, but there's only so many annual performances of the All-Star Christmas Day Jazz Jam we can watch before we start to complain that the seats are uncomfortable.
  • Aren't you sick and tired of elderly volunteers named Herb accidentally sending mass e-mails about their granddaughter's 3rd grade play? (Those of you who aren't, search this blog for the word "perverts." You'll see you're not welcome here.)
  • Will I download porn on the Kennedy Center computers? No. Will I upload pictures of myself wearing the usher's red jackets with nothing on underneath? . . . Ask again later.

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