Thursday, September 11, 2008

Reasons: Stage Crew

Friends of the Kennedy Center have many different roles (data entry, working in the store, giving tours, etc...). Occasionally I'll document the reasons why I'd be suitable for a particular role.

Reasons I would make a good Stage Crew worker:

  • I'm always a gentleman to the performers. Such as, "Listen Mr. Ma, or can I call you Yo-Yo? Where do you want this fiddle?
  • I look great in all black. I mean . . . really great. No, no, you don't get it. Reallly great.
  • I can be discreet. If Marvin Hamlisch wants a Playboy hidden under his score, no problem. If Wynton Marsalis wants a stick of butter inside the horn of his trumpet, "for snacking", I'll do it, no questions asked. If Julie Andrews likes the stage crew to dress up like Catholic schoolboys and quote lines from Anchorman, . . . well, ok, that would go on the blog.

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