Friday, September 26, 2008

Jilted Lover

Still no call from the Friends office. The interview was 32 hours and 10 minutes ago. Why don't they just pick up the phone? Now I know how all the women who I promised to call the next day but never did must feel. Just kidding, I've never spoken to a girl before done that.

In an unrelated note, my backspace key seems to be simply crossing things out rather than deleting them. The Blogger equivalent of placing a phone on the receiver, calling somebody a worthless piece of trash, then realizing the phone did not disconnect. Again, my sincere apologies to that volunteer for the MDA Telethon.

Briefly, I'd like to recognize a fan out there who's helping my effort. Adam W.'s blog is called Life in a Splash Page. He recently used his blog to promote my effort. Thanks!

Which reminds me, that's another reason the Kennedy Center should make me a Friend. I have many supporters that I can mobilize in a grassroots effort. All told, there must be at least two people (damnit!) hundreds of people who would come to my side if I need them. This would come in handy should one the performers have particularly needy demands. For example, I hear Placido Domingo likes roasted pork and fluffernutter sandwiches before each performance. I doubt the KC has these readily available. But one e-mail to my list of supporters, and we could track one down and have it shipped overnight.

So what if Placido Domingo eats a few packing peanuts? Am I right?

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